Qatar energy minister lays out plans for LNG expansion

Speaking at the Qatar Investment Forum, Energy Minister Saad Al-Kaabi said his country may add further capacity if more gas becomes available

Qatar's Energy Minister Saad al-Kaabi spoke during a panel at the Qatar Investment Forum on Wednesday (Photo: Getty Images)

Qatar expects demand for liquified natural gas to keep growing and sees little prospect of a growing glut in coming years.

Speaking at the Qatar Investment Forum in Doha on Wednesday, Energy Minister Saad Al-Kaabi said his country will press on with its multibillion-dollar expansion of liquified natural gas facilities, and may consider adding further capacity if more gas becomes available, Bloomberg reports.

“If we have a reasonable economic growth going forward, I think you’ll see all that supply and demand will catch up and you’ll need another phase of development of gas in the 2030s,” he said. “I don’t think gas is going away anytime soon.”

Qatar is boosting its LNG capacity to 126 million tons a year by 2027 from 77 million a year currently. It’s targeting 142 million tons a year by the end of the decade.